A desperate father whose son was suffering from a life-threatening brain tumour has revealed he gave him cannabis oil to ease his pain. And he has now apparently made a full recovery. Cash Hyde, known as Cashy, was a perfectly healthy baby when he was born in June...
One of the controversies in public health right now is that surrounding the use of marijuana. While it is true that marijuana is a mind altering substance, it is also true that there are legal substances that also affect the mind. One of those that comes to mind quite...
Preclinical data recently published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation demonstrating that cannabinoids may spur brain cell growth has reignited the international debate regarding the impact of marijuana on the brain. However, unlike previous pseudo-scientific...
The findings were published in the April 2009 issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation. The study showed, conclusively, that THC (the active alkaloid in Cannabis) caused brain cancer cells to undergo a process called autophagy. This process causes cells to...